We attach great importance to CSR.
CHRIST: Dedicated together.
Active and responsible shaping of the future by all our employees is an important component of CHRIST Group’s value system. Since shared responsibility is firmly anchored in CHRIST’s DNA, we take responsibility towards our colleagues, business partners, and society as a whole even beyond our customer relationships.
We are certain that we can achieve much greater gains for our future and make an even more valuable contribution to our society, our planet, and the economy when working together.
In order to strengthen this idea internally at CHRIST, we have assembled a department-comprehensive interdisciplinary team within the scope of our CSR Board to drive the implementation of CSR measures.
The Three Pillars of Our Leading Principle
Under our guiding principle of “Dedicated together”, we base our sustainability efforts on the following three supporting pillars:
Society & Social Matters: Supporting Together
Our charitable work does not end with social expectations. We actively involve our customers in our commitment, allowing them to contribute through a number of donation campaigns in the CHRIST stores or online.
Diversity and equality are essential for our value system. We actively support human rights and demand and expect the same from our partners, among other things through our code of conduct.
Diversität und Gleichberechtigung sind essenzielle Bestandteile unseres Wertesystems. Wir unterstützen aktiv Menschenrechte und fordern und erwarten dies auch von unseren Partner:innen, beispielsweise über unseren Code of Conduct.
Planet & Environment: Protecting Together.
We are always working to optimise our energy efficiency across the group in our headquarters, logistics department, and stores. For example, we are already using energy-saving light bulbs and recyclable materials in most of our CHRIST and BRINCKMANN & LANGE stores. We are also increasingly reducing our use of paper by increasing the degree of digitalisation across all business areas.
We place particular importance on recycling of old materials and targeted reuse of precious metals for our own brands.
Economy & Laws: Acting Together.
We all act as if CHRIST belonged to us. This means that we all practice sustainable and responsible corporate governance.
We also pose the highest demands to our suppliers. We work with diamond suppliers that adhere to the Kimberley Process exclusively.
This ensures that all of our diamonds originate from legal trade and conflict-free regions.